Shadows of Supremacy: The Rise of Dharmik Raksha

Originally posted on Reddit July 7 2023

DISCLAIMER: The following article is a work of fiction and should not be construed as a reflection of any specific individual, political party, leader, or tyrant, living or dead. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, either living or deceased, is purely coincidental. If by some cosmic mishap, you find a glimmer of similarity to anything or anyone in the real world, consider it a delightful coincidence.

Shadows of Supremacy: The Rise of Dharmik Raksha

It’s the year 2030, and Indoria, once a beacon of cultural pluralism and diverse traditions, now finds itself plunged into a maelstrom of darkness. The insidious grip of the Patriotic Restoration Party has emerged triumphant, unleashing the forces of Dharmik Raksha upon the land. Gone is the Indoria that stood proud, embracing its rich tapestry of regional customs and personal laws. Now, a chilling wind blows through the North-East, as the specter of separation haunts the very fabric of the nation.

Ethnic conflicts, fueled by the obsessive agenda of a monomaniacal ruler, have pushed Indoria to the precipice of disintegration. The Harmonious Faithful majority archipelago of Lakshmivan stands invaded, as the iron fist of the ruling powers tightens its grip. In this turbulent landscape, Kailasapuri stands as a solitary island, bravely fighting on for freedom; cut off from the world it once knew.

The erosion of democracy has been a slow and deliberate march, marked by manipulated elections and laws rammed through without scrutiny or debate. The halls of the old parliament lie deserted, a testament to the dismantling of the democratic fabric that once defined Indoria. In its place, a grand edifice rises—the Dharmik Raksha parliament—a hollow symbol of a new era, built upon the foundations of fear and intimidation.

Nayi Disha. Sukhmay Din. Param Anand Ka Yug. Karmyuga. These grand slogans, born from the minds of small men, serve only to mask the insidious intentions of those in power. They seek not progress or harmony but a distorted vision of a past long gone, a perverted rewriting of history itself. Their sinister plan stretches beyond the capital’s landscape, aiming to reshape the very essence of governance in Indoria.

Through amendments in the Boundary Reconfiguration Act, the government manipulates the allocation of parliamentary seats, concentrating power within the cow belt. Brick by brick, they dismantle the safeguards and checks that once protected the nation. The rights enshrined in the constitution, once a shield against tyranny, are now trampled upon, as the government imposes a uniform code upon all religions, tribes and communities eradicating autonomy and suppressing diverse beliefs.

Citizens, regardless of age or gender, find themselves imprisoned without cause, denied their freedom, their faith branded as a crime. The sacred right to worship within one’s home or land is snatched away, leaving only an oppressive void. Nurmihrabs, once beacons of spiritual solace, lie abandoned, even as Crossbearers are silenced, preach they not, their voices drowned out by the cacophony of oppression. The Pious Guardians, the immortal warriors, are stripped of their daggers, a symbol of their heritage and protection.

In this bleak landscape, the laws demand obedience. The laws demand we abandon our Nurmihrabs, surrender the daggers, and burn our books. So it goes, a mantra echoing through the hearts of a nation held captive. But even in the darkest times, embers of resistance flicker. In the depths of despair, the flame of hope awaits its moment to rise and reclaim the soul of Indoria.






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