Category: personal blog

  • Life Lessons from a Father: Through Movies and Comics

    I grew up watching movies with my dad. And those are the memories I hold close to me. Movies are an education on the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s an education no child should be denied along with Enid Blyton, Tarzan or Superman. Allowing him or her to grow and create his own […]

  • The Mornings After

    I wake up and I find I have nothing to do. My mornings are broken. The little things I do for my mother everyday. I look into her room and she isn’t there. I stand in the room with the emptiness which surrounds me. I look at the empty blue pill box which I will […]

  • Resilience: Stories from the Hospital Bedside

    It was just another regular day. I had returned earlier that morning from a short trip to Bangalore. And, before we stepped out for work, I spent some time with umma, my mother, sipping tea, reading the morning paper, talking about Bangalore and all the people she knew. There has always been a part of […]

  • The Inexplicable Malady

    Navigating Life’s Challenges It started as a minor stiffness in my right knee. An irritation, it didn’t ache. There was no pain. As the days went by I noticed it was getting more and more difficult for me to climb stairs. I started limping, dragging my right foot, like an invisible cannonball chained to my […]