Category: Kerala

  • Blockchain in Waste Management- A Plan

    Blockchain in waste management? Sure! Why the hell not! Here’s what we need to do to incentivize citizens with a rewards program and for the hell of it validated on a blockchain to motivate us the people to manage waste at the source and dispose of it safely after segregation: I have used information extensively […]

  • Blockchain in Waste Management, Kerala?

    Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize waste management systems by improving transparency, traceability, and accountability. While real-life use cases specific to city/municipal waste management may still be limited, here are a few examples where blockchain technology has been applied in waste management and related fields: It’s important to note that while blockchain technology shows […]

  • Advanced Genetics Used to Control Mosquito Population

    Advanced Genetics Used to Control Mosquito Population

    Time For Kochi Corporation To Innovate & Change The mosquito population in Kochi is out of control. They’re biting people left and right, they’re virtually everywhere, and they’re spreading diseases. Mosquitoes are a major problem for Kochi just as it is for rest of the world. As the world changes to adapt and bring in […]

  • Free Ebooks and Audiobooks: Your Guide to Legitimate Sources

    The internet, an endless labyrinth of lists upon lists, beckons with its siren call. Amidst this digital deluge, I’m offering one more—though this one is a lifeline for voracious readers (book hoarders excuse) seeking legitimate online sources for ebooks and audiobooks. These trusted havens open doors to vast and varied realms, welcoming millions of smartphone […]

  • Vembanad Lake | Book Extract: Moustache by S Hareesh

    The lake that, like humans, became volatile in the evenings lay motionless in the morning chill. All other creatures had set out on their day’s work. Little birds skimmed over the surface; cormorants silently shook their necks in the water; lines of migratory birds swayed across the sky like wind-ragged threads. A middle-aged man stood […]

  • Street Art-Fort Kochi

    Street Art, Burgher Street, Fort Kochi

  • Vagamon-A Stunning Beauty With Roads That Stink

    Vagamon’s beauty is breathtaking. It has everything a tourist looks for in Kerala- lush meadows, scenic landscapes covered in mist, rolling hills, tea estates, rivulets to stop by and a wonderful climate. However I am not here to talk about the beauty of Vagamon but rather the absolutely terrible roads I encountered in my recent weekend trip. It was […]

  • Wanted: Better Design For Kochi’s Drains

    Wanted: Better Design For Kochi’s Drains

    One just has to have a cursory look at the design of the drainage inlets at Paramara Road to get an idea of the lackadaisical approach of Kochi Corporation engineers as well as contractors involved in the work. Operation Breakthrough, the objective of which was to repair and redesign existing drainage systems in Kochi to […]

  • A Citizens Blog for People Of Kochi to Share Data & Information to Report & Identify Civic Issues

    This blog is for the people of Kochi. To encourage and motivate our community to actively participate and engage in civic issues and development of our city- Kochi.  Our mission is to encourage civic engagement amongst the people of Kochi to identify, recognize and call out issues pertaining to all areas of civic development. What […]