Category: mosquitos

  • Advanced Genetics Used to Control Mosquito Population

    Advanced Genetics Used to Control Mosquito Population

    Time For Kochi Corporation To Innovate & Change The mosquito population in Kochi is out of control. They’re biting people left and right, they’re virtually everywhere, and they’re spreading diseases. Mosquitoes are a major problem for Kochi just as it is for rest of the world. As the world changes to adapt and bring in […]

  • Kochi Corporation, Mosquito Menace Needs To Be Tackled Now!

    Kochi Corporation, Mosquito Menace Needs To Be Tackled Now!

    The growing city of Kochi has had to deal with the issue of mosquito menace since any Kochite can remember. We, Kochites have had to deal with it on a daily basis and are very well aware of most factors and topics concerning this issue. We know what causes mosquito menace as well as methods […]