Voices of Resistance

Its the poets, the writers, the artists who lead the voices of resistance and form the lines of dissent.

Not the IIT engineers who haven’t a clue for broken roads and bridges. Not the IIM MBAs who do not create or innovate. Not stock traders or investment bankers who make only more money from money. Not the founders of Infosys running sweatshops in freezing cages. Not the tycoons who own elephants and Learjets. Not Barkha but Ravish.

Its us the poets, the writers, the artists, the farmers, the teachers, the inventors, the kirana owner, the merchant, the hijabi women who form turbulent whirlpools from ink and songs of resistance.

You and me, us, together are the lines of defence against the Mad King and his pawns. We are the fireflies in the raging storm. We are the fireflies and the guiding light.







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