Murder by State and A State of Betrayal

Originally posted on Reddit May 10 2023

How have we become so callous to death? A few fleeting days in the news, a mere blip on the front-pages, then swiftly forgotten until a fresh tale emerges about the whereabouts of Arikomban and his audacious escapades. Now, let me clarify, with all due respect to Arikomban, Padiyappa, and their fellow pachyderms, they have every right to their newfound celebrity status in the news. However, it is the deplorable state of news journalism in Kerala that truly beguiles me. We are a discerning and critical people, or so we claim, particularly when it comes to consuming news stories. Yet, the quality of reporting from our esteemed news channels is as atrocious and crummy as any garish yellow tabloid. Alas, it seems the people of Kerala find this deplorable state of affairs acceptable, even as their very brain cells wither away.

Twenty-two souls perished in a tragic boat accident—deaths that could have been averted had the state government and local authorities possessed even an ounce of inclination to safeguard the lives of its citizens. But why should they care? No member of any minister’s family or MLA met their demise in that watery grave. God forbid. Why should it matter to them? They never partake in cheap, overcrowded boat rides. And even if they were to embark on such an outing, rest assured it would be an exclusive affair, far removed from the common folk. The news media, eager to fan the flames of sensationalism, revels in their accomplishment of apprehending the boat owner and the so-called Srank. But to what end?

The Minister of Tourism, Riyas, who also happens to be the son-in-law of the Chief Minister, graces our television screens without the slightest hint of remorse. He tosses treats to the news media, offering assurances of an inquiry and promises that those responsible will face justice. If the news media possessed even an iota of gumption or good sense, they would have rightly questioned the Minister and the authorities regarding their own culpability in the causation of this tragic accident that has snuffed out the lives of women and children and obliterated entire families.

This boat disaster is not an isolated incident, mind you. Recall the 2009 Thekkady boat accident, which claimed the lives of 45 tourists from across India. Or the 2007 Thattekad bird sanctuary boat disaster, which resulted in 18 deaths. And let us not forget the 2002 Kerala State Water Department boat tragedy, which claimed the lives of 16 souls. In all these instances, beyond the technicalities and safety measures, the one common thread binding them is the callousness of our governments, their ability to evade accountability, much like their ease of conducting business. The Minister takes no responsibility, sauntering away with the demeanor of a spoiled child-king, confident that he shall pay no price and bear no burden for this criminal negligence.

But I digress, for there is yet another breaking news story that demands our attention—the murder of Dr. Vandana Das at the hands of the state. It was not the deranged act of a madman that claimed Dr. Vandana Das’s life; no, it was the collective madness of the people who governs us all. Mercilessly stabbed by the very men and women who hold sway over our destinies with the power they hold. And how does the Minister present themselves before the cameras? They do so with an air of regal poise and grace, akin to a queen who remains blissfully unaware that she stands before her subjects stark naked, her lack of clothing bared for all to see. Bare they loom, beckoning for further inquisitions, more damning chronicles, their cries demanding a scapegoat akin to Srank, the wretched vessel’s owner, and all those connected to its wretched creation. Were it within their grasp, they would indict the very boat itself, as if it were a dreadful beast from the depths, a Loch Ness monstrosity that gorged upon hapless women and innocent younglings.

No longer can we tolerate their reign of naked power, these deranged monarchs who show the utmost disdain for our brethren’s lives, our cherished progeny, while callously desecrating the sanctity of our departed souls.



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